A/N: Zazwyczaj piszę dłuższe rozdziały, dlatego następne będą mieć około 2 - 4 tys. słów w zależności od tego czy będę mieć wystarczającą ilość weny na napisanie tak długich rozdziałów.
Jeżeli chodzi o "Naughty, obedient Lu", nie martwcie się, niedługo wyjdzie pierwszy rozdział, tylko w wersji un-beta, ponieważ moja beta jest obecnie zajęta i teraz wystarczy, że sama sprawdzę co mogę i poprawię, a beta poprawi rozdział jak tylko znajdzie na to czas.
Żeby już nie przedłużać, oto pierwszy rozdział do "Our Baby Lu". Po długiej przerwie jaką sobie zrobiłam, wróciłam już do pisania tego opowiadania, ale nadal powoli mi to idzie. Nie mniej jednak trzeba się cieszyć, że kolejny rozdział jest już w drodze :D
Ilość słów: 1161
"Hyung, I'm really sorry, but I'm pregnant." Kris woke up from the nightmare that started to haunt him down just a while ago. It had been five months since he left Seul, since he run away from the responsibility of being a future father of his and Baekhyun's child. He wasn't even prepared for such a responsibility in the first place and he wanted to stay free as long as he could, but having a baby, such a small creature that needed to be taken care of, would force him to forget his current live, something he enjoyed and longed for.
He had never liked the idea of getting any woman pregnant, he had never wanted to have babies, not even one at all, and he liked to have some fun after three or four shots of vodka, with some random guy he would meet in the club very late at night. He never slept with women only because he wanted to stay or rather feel young for another 24 years, fucking other guys, imagining that he was with the opposite sex instead of some muscular man who was willing to have some fun with him and tried to dominate him, not being able to do so or with some weak-looking male that was too girly for his liking. Kris was the type of a person who loved parties and always took part in them, flirting with girls, but sleeping with guys at the end. He would end up waking up in a bed with another man and would leave the sleeping guy once he took a shower and borrowed clothes from his friends or dress up in what he was wearing the previous night. People knew him very well, he was known as a sex God, a playboy that could satisfy anyone who was willing to give his or her body to him and the fact that he was able to have sex even with one man a day if he felt like that never changed. That was until he met Baekhyun.
Baekhyun moved in only two years ago, he wasn't from Seul, but other town Kris couldn't remember. They met in the club, Baekhyun was with a really tall guy at that time and Kris was with his friends, looking for their next preys, because the previous ones weren't good enough in bed. Kris spotted Baekhyun sitting alone at one of the tables and even though he thought that the boy was ugly at first, he decided to choose him as his prey. He approached the shorter male, started a conversation and offered some vodka, not being the type to force anyone to have sex with him unwillingly, just like some of his friends did. After just a half an hour or so, Baekhyun gave in and accepted the offer of spending the night with the blond guy, already knowing that his so-called friend had left him, not even sending him a simple text that he would leave him alone. They danced and drunk vodka, danced and drunk more alcohol until they both got drunk and had sex. Even though they didn't know each other and were drunk as hell, they still enjoyed it. Kris was rather rough with Baekhyun, but they both felt that it was the best sex they had ever had in their entire live. After that day Kris hadn't seen Baekhyun for a month or two before he met him again at the very same club. They had sex again and decided to become fuck buddies before they become a couple. Baekhyun loved Kris with all his heart, even though he knew what type of a person his boyfriend was. On the other hand Kris only felt attracted to the other's body, loving the feeling of Baekhyun's walls tightening around his thick penis whenever he penetrated him. He never really loved Baekhyun, he stopped sleeping around with others, but still, he didn't feel anything special to his boyfriend.
However, their relationship was just fine and none of them wanted to stop whatever they had and start new lives with people that suited them better. They both were addicted to one another and they wanted to remain as a couple for more than a year or two. They started a serious relationship which was lacking in love at some point, but was good no matter what. That was until Baekhyun had told Kris about their baby, the result of sensless fucking instead of love. Their flesh and blood mixed together which could end up just like its parents, a future Baekhyun didn't want his baby to have.
Kris never really liked the idea of having children, he wanted to remain free as long as he could, forgetting about the fact that he was a grown-up man who needed to start to think about his future and take life seriously. He wasn't ready to have children and probably, he would never be, because he wasn't responsible enough to find himself a job or take care of other life, other people, especially babies. He never really liked kids, they were annoying most of the time and all they could do was cry and cause problems.
However the tall man couldn't do anything about that, because it was too late, his child was probably eight months old right now and he had to make up his mind fast, because he just couldn't reappear in Baekhyun's life all of a sudden, thinking that the shorter male would forgive him his mistakes so soon. Kris wasn't really the type of a person who would turn his back at someone after he got that someone pregnant. No, he wasn't like that, but he needed the time to think over everything, so he returned to China, the country he had been born in before he moved to Canada. He had the time he needed so badly and maybe, he really was ready to come back to his boyfriend, or rather ex, to explain himself. He would buy himself a ticket and fly back to Seul, informing about his plan his friend who had to watch over the pregnant male while Kris was away. Kris wasn't that heartless to leave Baekhyun alone and depressed, so he ordered Tao to help his lover. They both must hate him, but Kris understood that. He was childish and stupid and he should just talk to his ex instead of running away that unfortunate day. Maybe their lifes would be easier today and Kris wouldn't have to worry that much, because today was the day he let his child, his daughter or a son, to take away his freedom, forcing him to face the brutal reality and become a grown-up man he was, but never behaved like one. He was going to be teached what life really meant once his baby is born. He would lose the rest of freedom he had left and he just knew that.
Zapowiada się całkiem fajnie :D Czekam na kolejne rozdziały ^^
OdpowiedzUsuńwstęp po polsku, fick po angielsku...fuck logic
OdpowiedzUsuńJeżeli chcesz pisać takie komentarze to przynajmniej byś się nie ukrywał/ukrywała za "Anonimem", ponieważ wtedy nie mam jak ci odpowiedzieć. Jeżeli chodzi o notkę od autora, to jest ona po polsku tylko, dlatego, że została napisana dzisiaj, podczas, gdy opowiadanie zostało napisane jeszcze w czerwcu. Dokładna data opublikowania tego fanfica to 8 czerwca 2014r., pierwszy rozdział, czyli ten, o którym teraz mówimy, opublikowałam zaledwie tydzień później. Ten fanfic został napisany na angielskiej stronie, więc na pewno nie będzie on po polsku jeżeli nie zdecyduję się go przetłumaczyć. Bezsensowne byłoby kopiowanie A/N jakie napisałam w tamtym czasie, skoro odnoszą się one do przeszłości, przypadającej na okres od czerwca do listopada, ponieważ tych notek nie pisałam do was, tylko do czytelników, którzy raczyli zostawić mi swoją opinię właśnie w tamtym czasie. W takim razie "fuck logic" jest tutaj nie na miejscu skoro nikt cię nie zmusza do komentowania tego bloga. Jeżeli nie masz niczego konstruktywnego do powiedzenia, uprzejmie proszę o opuszczenie tego bloga i nie powracanie do niego :D
UsuńTak szczerze, to z chęcią przeczytałabym ten fick, jednak nie mam jakiegoś świetnego angielskiego w głowie. Jest możliwość, że kiedyś zostanie on przetłumaczony?